G.13 TSPOPF – Three AC OPF Solvers by H. Wang

TSPOPF [28] is a collection of three high performance AC optimal power flow solvers for use with Matpower. The three solvers are:

The algorithms are described in [843]. The first two are essentially C-language implementations of the algorithms used by MIPS (see Appendix A), with the exception that the step-controlled version in TSPOPF also includes a cost smoothing technique in place of the constrained-cost variable (CCV) approach for handling piece-wise linear costs.

The PDIPM in particular is significantly faster for large systems than any previous Matpower AC OPF solver, including MINOPF. When TSPOPF is installed, the PDIPM solver becomes the default optimal power flow solver for Matpower. Additional options for TSPOPF can be set using mpoption (see help mpoption for details).

Builds are available for Linux (32-bit, 64-bit), Mac OS X (PPC, Intel 32-bit, Intel 64-bit) and Windows (32-bit, 64-bit) at http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/tspopf/.