D.3 Example Matpower Cases

All of the functions listed in this section are found in <MATPOWER>/data, unless noted otherwise.

Table D-18:Small Transmission System Test Cases
name description
case4gs 4-bus example case from Grainger & Stevenson
case5 modified 5-bus PJM example case from Rui Bo
case6ww 6-bus example case from Wood & Wollenberg
case9 9-bus example case from Chow
case9Q case9 with reactive power costs
case9target modified case9, target for example continuation power flow
case14 IEEE 14-bus case
case24_ieee_rts IEEE RTS 24-bus case
case30 30-bus case, based on IEEE 30-bus case
case_ieee30 IEEE 30-bus case
case30pwl case30 with piecewise linear costs
case30Q case30 with reactive power costs
case39 39-bus New England case
case57 IEEE 57-bus case
case_RTS_GMLC 96-machine, 73-bus Reliability Test System*
case118 IEEE 118-bus case
case145 IEEE 145-bus case, 50 generator dynamic test case
case300 IEEE 300-bus case

* Reliability Test System Grid Modernization Lab Consortium data from

Table D-19:Small Radial Distribution System Test Cases
name description
case4_dist 4-bus example radial distribution system case
case18 18-bus radial distribution system from Grady, Samotyj and Noyola
case22 22-bus radial distribution system from Raju, Murthy and Ravindra
case33bw 33-bus radial distribution system from Baran and Wu
case69 69-bus radial distribution system from Das
case85 85-bus radial distribution system from Das, Kothari and Kalam
case141 141-bus radial distribution system from Khodr, Olsina, De Jesus and Yusta

Table D-20:ACTIV Synthetic Grid Test Cases



200-bus Illinois synthetic model*


500-bus South Carolina synthetic model*


2000-bus Texas synthetic model*


10,000-bus US WECC synthetic model*


25,000-bus US Northeast/Mid-Atlantic synthetic model*


70,000-bus Eastern US synthetic model*


82,000-bus continental USA synthetic model*


contingency table for case_ACTIVSg200*


contingency table for case_ACTIVSg500*


contingency table for case_ACTIVSg2000*


contingency table for case_ACTIVSg10k*


one year of hourly zonal load scenarios for case_ACTIVSg200*


one year of hourly area load scenarios for case_ACTIVSg2000*

* These synthetic grid models are fictitious representations that are designed to be statistically and functionally similar to actual electric grids while containing no confidential critical energy infrastructure information (CEII). Please cite reference [44] when publishing results based on this data. More information about these synthetic cases can be found at https://electricgrids.engr.tamu.edu.

Table D-21:Polish System Test Cases
name description
case2383wp Polish system - winter 1999-2000 peak*
case2736sp Polish system - summer 2004 peak*
case2737sop Polish system - summer 2004 off-peak*
case2746wop Polish system - winter 2003-04 off-peak*
case2746wp Polish system - winter 2003-04 evening peak*
case3012wp Polish system - winter 2007-08 evening peak*
case3120sp Polish system - summer 2008 morning peak*
case3375wp Polish system plus - winter 2007-08 evening peak*

* Contributed by Roman Korab.

Table D-22:PEGASE European System Test Cases
name description
case89pegase 89-bus portion of European transmission system from PEGASE project*
case1354pegase 1354-bus portion of European transmission system from PEGASE project*
case2869pegase 2869-bus portion of European transmission system from PEGASE project*
case9241pegase 9241-bus portion of European transmission system from PEGASE project*
case13659pegase 13659-bus portion of European transmission system from PEGASE project*

* Contributed by Cédric Josz and colleagues from the French Transmission System Operator. Please cite references [45, 46] when publishing results based on this data.

Table D-23:RTE French System Test Cases
name description
case1888rte 1888-bus snapshot of VHV French transmission system from RTE*
case1951rte 1951-bus snapshot of VHV French transmission system from RTE*
case2848rte 2848-bus snapshot of VHV French transmission system from RTE*
case2868rte 2868-bus snapshot of VHV French transmission system from RTE*
case6468rte 6468-bus snapshot of VHV and HV French transmission system from RTE*
case6470rte 6470-bus snapshot of VHV and HV French transmission system from RTE*
case6495rte 6495-bus snapshot of VHV and HV French transmission system from RTE*
case6515rte 6515-bus snapshot of VHV and HV French transmission system from RTE*

* Contributed by Cédric Josz and colleagues from the French Transmission System Operator. Please cite reference [45] when publishing results based on this data.