B Data File Format

There are two versions of the Matpower case file format. Matpower versions 3.0.0 and earlier used the version 1 format internally. Subsequent versions of Matpower have used the version 2 format described below, though version 1 files are still handled, and converted automatically, by the loadcase and savecase functions.

In the version 2 format, the input data for Matpower are specified in a set of data matrices packaged as the fields of a Matlab struct, referred to as a “Matpower case” struct and conventionally denoted by the variable mpc. This struct is typically defined in a case file, either a function M-file whose return value is the mpc struct or a MAT-file that defines a variable named mpc when loaded. The fields of this struct are baseMVA, bus, branch, gen and, optionally, gencost. The baseMVA field is a scalar and the rest are matrices. Each row in the data matrices corresponds to a single bus, branch, or generator and the columns are similar to the columns in the standard IEEE and PTI formats. The mpc struct also has a version field whose value is a string set to the current Matpower case version, currently '2' by default. The version 1 case format defines the data matrices as individual variables rather than fields of a struct, and some do not include all of the columns defined in version 2.

Numerous examples can be found in the case files listed in Table D-18 in Appendix D. The case files created by savecase use a tab-delimited format for the data matrices to make it simple to transfer data seamlessly back and forth between a text editor and a spreadsheet via simple copy and paste.

The details of the Matpower case format are given in the tables below and can also be accessed by typing help caseformat at the Matlab prompt. First, the baseMVA field is a simple scalar value specifying the system MVA base used for converting power into per unit quantities. For convenience and code portability, idx_bus defines a set of constants to be used as named indices into the columns of the bus matrix. Similarly, idx_brch, idx_gen and idx_cost define names for the columns of branch, gen and gencost, respectively. The script define_constants provides a simple way to define all the usual constants at one shot. These are the names that appear in the first column of the tables below.

The Matpower case format also allows for additional fields to be included in the structure. The OPF is designed to recognize fields named A, l, u, H, Cw, N, fparm, z0, zl and zu as parameters used to directly extend the OPF formulation as described in Section 7.1. Additional standard optional fields include bus_name, gentype and genfuel.61 Other user-defined fields may also be included, such as the reserves field used in the example code throughout Section 7.3. The loadcase function will automatically load any extra fields from a case file and, if the appropriate 'savecase' callback function (see Section 7.3.5) is added via add_userfcn, savecase will also save them back to a case file.

Table B-1:Bus Data (mpc.bus)
name column description
BUS_I 1 bus number (positive integer)
BUS_TYPE 2 bus type (1 = PQ, 2 = PV, 3 = ref, 4 = isolated)
PD 3 real power demand (MW)
QD 4 reactive power demand (MVAr)
GS 5 shunt conductance (MW demanded at V  = 1.0 p.u.)
BS 6 shunt susceptance (MVAr injected at V  = 1.0 p.u.)
BUS_AREA 7 area number (positive integer)
VM 8 voltage magnitude (p.u.)
VA 9 voltage angle (degrees)
BASE_KV 10 base voltage (kV)
ZONE 11 loss zone (positive integer)
VMAX 12 maximum voltage magnitude (p.u.)
VMIN 13 minimum voltage magnitude (p.u.)
LAM_P 14 Lagrange multiplier on real power mismatch (u  /MW)
LAM_Q 15 Lagrange multiplier on reactive power mismatch (u  /MVAr)
MU_VMAX 16 Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper voltage limit (u  /p.u.)
MU_VMIN 17 Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower voltage limit (u  /p.u.)

Included in OPF output, typically not included (or ignored) in input matrix. Here we assume the objective function has units u  .

Table B-2:Generator Data (mpc.gen)
name column description
GEN_BUS 1 bus number
PG 2 real power output (MW)
QG 3 reactive power output (MVAr)
QMAX 4 maximum reactive power output (MVAr)
QMIN 5 minimum reactive power output (MVAr)
VG 6 voltage magnitude setpoint (p.u.)
MBASE 7 total MVA base of machine, defaults to baseMVA
GEN_STATUS 8 machine status,
> 0  = machine in-service
≤ 0  = machine out-of-service
PMAX 9 maximum real power output (MW)
PMIN 10 minimum real power output (MW)
PC1* 11 lower real power output of PQ capability curve (MW)
PC2* 12 upper real power output of PQ capability curve (MW)
QC1MIN* 13 minimum reactive power output at PC1 (MVAr)
QC1MAX* 14 maximum reactive power output at PC1 (MVAr)
QC2MIN* 15 minimum reactive power output at PC2 (MVAr)
QC2MAX* 16 maximum reactive power output at PC2 (MVAr)
RAMP_AGC* 17 ramp rate for load following/AGC (MW/min)
RAMP_10* 18 ramp rate for 10 minute reserves (MW)
RAMP_30* 19 ramp rate for 30 minute reserves (MW)
RAMP_Q* 20 ramp rate for reactive power (2 sec timescale) (MVAr/min)
APF* 21 area participation factor
MU_PMAX 22 Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper Pg  limit (u  /MW)
MU_PMIN 23 Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower Pg  limit (u  /MW)
MU_QMAX 24 Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper Qg  limit (u  /MVAr)
MU_QMIN 25 Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower Qg  limit (u  /MVAr)

* Not included in version 1 case format. Included in OPF output, typically not included (or ignored) in input matrix. Here we assume the objective function has units u  . Used to determine voltage setpoint for optimal power flow only if opf.use_vg option is non-zero (0 by default). Otherwise generator voltage range is determined by limits set for corresponding bus in bus matrix.

Table B-3:Branch Data (mpc.branch)
name column



“from” bus number


“to” bus number

BR_R 3

resistance (p.u.)

BR_X 4

reactance (p.u.)

BR_B 5

total line charging susceptance (p.u.)


MVA rating A (long term rating), set to 0 for unlimited


MVA rating B (short term rating), set to 0 for unlimited


MVA rating C (emergency rating), set to 0 for unlimited


transformer off nominal turns ratio, if non-zero (taps at “from” bus, impedance at “to” bus, i.e. if r = x = b = 0  , tap = |V|Vft|| ; tap = 0  used to indicate transmission line rather than transformer, i.e. mathematically equivalent to transformer with tap = 1  )


transformer phase shift angle (degrees), positive ⇒ delay


initial branch status, 1 = in-service, 0 = out-of-service


minimum angle difference, 𝜃f − 𝜃t  (degrees)


maximum angle difference, 𝜃 − 𝜃
 f   t  (degrees)

PF 14

real power injected at “from” bus end (MW)

QF 15

reactive power injected at “from” bus end (MVAr)

PT 16

real power injected at “to” bus end (MW)

QT 17

reactive power injected at “to” bus end (MVAr)

MU_SF§ 18

Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on MVA limit at “from” bus (u  /MVA)

MU_ST§ 19

Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on MVA limit at “to” bus (u  /MVA)


Kuhn-Tucker multiplier lower angle difference limit (u  /degree)


Kuhn-Tucker multiplier upper angle difference limit (u  /degree)

* Used to specify branch flow limits. By default these are limits on apparent power with units in MVA. However, the 'opf.flow_lim' option can be used to specify that the limits are active power or current, in which case the ratings are specified in MW or (kA⋅VbasekV)  , respectively. For current this is equivalent to an MVA value at a 1 p.u. voltage. Not included in version 1 case format. The voltage angle difference is taken to be unbounded below if ANGMIN ≤− 360  and unbounded above if ANGMAX ≥ 360  . If both parameters are zero, the voltage angle difference is unconstrained. Included in power flow and OPF output, ignored on input. § Included in OPF output, typically not included (or ignored) in input matrix. Here we assume the objective function has units u  .

Table B-4:Generator Cost Data (mpc.gencost)
name column description
MODEL 1 cost model, 1 = piecewise linear, 2 = polynomial
STARTUP 2 startup cost in US dollars*
SHUTDOWN 3 shutdown cost in US dollars*
NCOST 4 number N = n + 1  of data points defining an n  -segment piecewise linear cost
function, or of coefficients defining an n  -th order polynomial cost function
COST 5 parameters defining total cost function f(p)  begin in this column,
units of f  and p  are $/hr and MW (or MVAr), respectively
(MODEL = 1) ⇒   p1,f1,p2,f2,...,pN ,fN
    where p1 < p2 < ⋅⋅⋅ < pN  and the cost f(p)  is defined by
    the coordinates (p1,f1)  , (p2,f2)  , …, (pN,fN )
    of the end/break-points of the piecewise linear cost
(MODEL = 2) ⇒   cn,...,c1,c0
    N  coefficients of n  -th order polynomial cost function, starting
    with highest order, where cost is f(p) = cnpn + ⋅⋅⋅+ c1p + c0

If gen has ng  rows, then the first ng  rows of gencost contain the costs for active power produced by the corresponding generators. If gencost has 2ng  rows, then rows ng+ 1  through 2ng  contain the reactive power costs in the same format. * Not currently used by any Matpower functions.

Table B-5:DC Line Data* (mpc.dcline)
name column description
F_BUS 1 “from” bus number
T_BUS 2 “to” bus number
BR_STATUS 3 initial branch status, 1 = in-service, 0 = out-of-service
PF 4 real power flow at “from” bus end (MW), “from” → “to”
PT 5 real power flow at “to” bus end (MW), “from” → “to”
QF 6 reactive power injected into “from” bus (MVAr)
QT 7 reactive power injected into “to” bus (MVAr)
VF 8 voltage magnitude setpoint at “from” bus (p.u.)
VT 9 voltage magnitude setpoint at “to” bus (p.u.)
PMIN 10 if positive (negative), lower limit on PF (PT)
PMAX 11 if positive (negative), upper limit on PF (PT)
QMINF 12 lower limit on reactive power injection into “from” bus (MVAr)
QMAXF 13 upper limit on reactive power injection into “from” bus (MVAr)
QMINT 14 lower limit on reactive power injection into “to” bus (MVAr)
QMAXT 15 upper limit on reactive power injection into “to” bus (MVAr)
LOSS0 16 coefficient l
0  of constant term of linear loss function (MW)
LOSS1 17 coefficient l1  of linear term of linear loss function (MW/MW)
(ploss = l0 +l1pf  , where pf  is the flow at the “from” end)
MU_PMIN 18 Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower flow limit at “from” bus (u  /MW)
MU_PMAX 19 Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper flow limit at “from” bus (u  /MW)
MU_QMINF 20 Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower VAr limit at “from” bus (u  /MVAr)
MU_QMAXF 21 Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper VAr limit at “from” bus (u  /MVAr)
MU_QMINT 22 Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower VAr limit at “to” bus (u  /MVAr)
MU_QMAXT 23 Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper VAr limit at “to” bus (u  /MVAr)

* Requires explicit use of toggle_dcline. Output column, value updated by power flow or OPF (except PF in case of simple power flow). Included in OPF output, typically not included (or ignored) in input matrix. Here we assume the objective function has units u  .