This section describes the additional fields that can be added to mpc (the Matpowercase
struct) or, alternatively, the input parameters that can be passed directly to the opf
function. The former is the preferred approach, as it allows the normal use of runopf and
related functions.
7.1.1 User-defined Variables
In the case of direct specification, additional variables are created implicitly based on the
difference between the number of columns in and the number of standard OPF
variables. If has more columns than has elements, the extra columns are assumed
to correspond to a new variable. The initial value and lower and upper bounds
for can also be specified in the optional fields or arguments, z0, zl and zu,
7.1.2 User-defined Constraints
Linear Constraints can be added by specifying the , and parameters
of (6.38) directly as fields or arguments of the same names, A, l and u,
respectively, where A is sparse.
Nonlinear Constraints for a constraint set , that is, or from
(6.42) or (6.43), are implemented by defining two M-file functions, similar to
those required by MIPS. The first is a function to compute the constraint values
and their gradients (Jacobian),46
with calling syntax:
[g, dg] = my_constraint_fcn(x, <p1>, <p2>, ...)
Here <p1> and <p2> represent arbitrary optional input parameters that remain
constant for all calls to the function. The second is a function to compute the
Hessian of the corresponding term in the Lagrangian function, that is the term
corresponding to or . This function has the following calling
Once again this is similar to the form of the Hessian evaluation function
expected by MIPS.47
In order to add a set of user-defined nonlinear constraints to the formulation through
direct specification, an entry must be added to the optional user_constraints.nle
(nonlinear equality) or user_constraints.nli (nonlinear inequality) fields of the
Matpowercase struct. These fields are cell arrays, in which each element (also a
cell array) specifies a constraint set of the corresponding kind. The format is as
follows, where the details are described in Table 7-1.
string with name of constraint set, used to label multipliers in results struct
number of constraints, i.e. dimension of(oras the case may be)
string containing name of function to evaluate constraint and gradients (Jacobian)
string containing name of function to evaluate Hessian of corresponding term ofLagrangian
cell array of variable set names, specifying sub-vectors of optimization vectortobe passed as inputs in x†
cell array of optional, arbitrary parameters to pass to each call to the constraint andHessian evaluation functions
†If varsets is empty, x will be the full optimization vector, otherwise it will be a cell array of sub-vectors offor the specified variable sets. Valid names include 'Va', 'Vm', 'Pg', and 'Qg'. It can include others depending on theOPF extensions in use. See the variable names displayed by for a complete list for your problem.
There is an example in the OPF testing code (e.g. t_opf_mips) near the end, that
implements a nonlinear relationship between three different generator outputs by
adding the following line.
This adds a single constraint named 'Pg_usr' as a function of the vector of generator
active injections (x will be {Pg}, where Pg is a sub-vector of the optimization vector
containing only the generator active injections). The constraints and gradients
are evaluated by a function named 'opf_nle_fcn1' and the Hessian of the
corresponding term of the Lagrangian by a function named 'opf_nle_hess1', neither
of which expect any additional parameters.
7.1.3 User-defined Costs
Quadratic Costs by direct specification are not currently supported.
General Nonlinear Costs by direct specification are not currently supported.
Legacy Costs – To add legacy costs directly, the parameters , , , , ,
and of (6.48)–(6.51) described in Section 6.3.3 are specified as fields or
arguments H, Cw, N and fparm, respectively, where fparm is the
When specifying additional costs, N and Cw are required, while H and fparm are
optional. The default value for is a zero matrix, and the default for is
such that and are all ones and and are all zeros, resulting in simple
linear cost, with no shift or “dead-zone”. N and H should be specified as sparse
7.1.4 Additional Comments
For a simple formulation extension to be used for a small number of OPF cases, this method
has the advantage of being direct and straightforward. While Matpowerdoes include code
to eliminate the columns of and corresponding to and when running a DC
OPF48 , as
well as code to reorder and eliminate columns appropriately when converting from external
to internal data formats, this mechanism still requires the user to take special care in
preparing the and matrices to ensure that the columns match the ordering of the
elements of the optimization vectors and . All extra constraints and variables must
be incorporated into a single set of parameters that are constructed before calling
the OPF. The bookkeeping needed to access the resulting variables and shadow
prices on constraints and variable bounds must be handled manually by the
user outside of the OPF, along with any processing of additional input data
and processing, printing or saving of the additional result data. Making further
modifications to a formulation that already includes user-supplied costs, constraints or
variables, requires that both sets be incorporated into a new single consistent set of