H.8 Version 4.1 – released Dec 14, 2011
The Matpower 4.1 User’s Manual is available
New Features
- More new high performance OPF solvers:
- Support for the KNITRO interior point optimizer for large scale nonlinear
optimization. Use OPF_ALG = 600 for to select KNITRO to solve the
AC OPF. Requires the Matlab Optimization Toolbox and a license for
KNITRO, available from http://www.ziena.com/.
See help mpoption for more KNITRO options.
- Support for Gurobi to solve LP and QP problems. Set option OPF_ALG_DC = 700
to use Gurobi to solve the DC OPF. Requires Gurobi (https://www.gurobi.com/)
and the Gurobi MEX interface (http://www.convexoptimization.com/wikimization/index.php/Gurobi_mex).
See help mpoption for more Gurobi options.
- Updated for compatibility with CPLEX 12.3.
- Changed options so that fmincon uses its interior-point solver by default.
Much faster on larger systems.
- Support for basic modeling of DC transmission lines.
- New case files with more recent versions of Polish system.
- Power flow can handle networks with islands.
Bugs Fixed
- Computation of quadratic user-defined costs had a potentially fatal error.
Thanks to Stefanos Delikaraoglou for finding this.
- Calculation of reserve prices in toggle_reserves() had an error.
Incompatible Changes
- Optional packages TSPOPF and MINOPF must be updated to latest versions.