F.3 Smartmarket Files and Functions

Table F-6:Smartmarket Files and Functions
name description
  auction clears set of bids and offers based on pricing rules and OPF results
  case2off generates quantity/price offers and bids from gen and gencost
  idx_disp named column index definitions for dispatch matrix
  off2case updates gen and gencost based on quantity/price offers and bids
  pricelimits fills in a struct with default values for offer and bid limits
  printmkt prints the market output
  runmarket top-level simulation function, runs the OPF-based smart market
  runmkt* top-level simulation function, runs the OPF-based smart market
  smartmkt implements the smart market solver
  SM_CHANGES change history for the smart market software

* Deprecated. Will be removed in a subsequent version.